There is an old saying that goes: "A modest gentleman is as gentle as jade. That is, a gentleman uses jade to symbolize noble virtues. Jade is the symbol of a gentleman. In ancient times, men wore jade because they hoped to be like a gentleman, or because they were already a gentleman. Jade always brings auspicious, beautiful and warm memories to people. Life is like jade. It needs to be polished and the glitz removed before one can achieve self-realization. In order for a jade to shine, it needs to be constantly polished. The process of achieving self-improvement in life is like the process of jade polishing. It needs to withstand the test of gains and losses, worldly trials, shed the glitz, and make oneself more and more perfect. If you don’t fear losing jade, you must polish it repeatedly to remove flaws, dirt and cracks, and carefully carve it out before it can finally shine. The process of jade carving is like a person’s growth and transformation process, and contains profound knowledge of how to behave in the world. You can only gain if you give up something The Buddhist scriptures say: "Give and take, give and take, only by giving can you get." The process of jade carving is a process of constant giving up. If a raw jade is to be transformed into a work rich in soul and thought, it must be constantly carved by the jade carver, removing its flaws, removing its dirt, releasing its true color, and discarding the bad parts, so that its true color can be presented. In life, we must also learn to face the gains and losses in life calmly, and not make unnecessary self-blame and sigh because of losses. When we truly learn to give up, we will find that it is a sign of not dwelling on past failures and moving towards maturity. Only by learning to make choices can you find the right path in life and bring your life to new heights. In the process of growing up, everyone will experience worldly disturbances to a greater or lesser extent. The experience of worldly affairs will remove our edges, just like carving jade. Only if we keep our original aspirations in mind, handle things tactfully, and be well versed in the world, can we better adapt to the changing development of this society. Only by being tactful but not worldly can we settle down and achieve self-realization. Innate defects or deficiencies are not terrible. What is important is to know how to play to your strengths and avoid your weaknesses. Everyone has his or her own characteristics and strengths. As long as you fully understand yourself and are good at playing to your strengths and avoiding your weaknesses, you can create a winning advantage. “If jade is not carved, it cannot become a useful object; if people do not learn, they cannot know the moral principles.” Jade has acquired its delicate, smooth and profound quality after years of precipitation, polishing and carving. On the journey of life, we can only transform ourselves into better selves if we constantly examine ourselves, constantly improve and upgrade ourselves, and have a deep understanding of the ways of dealing with the world. Life is like jade, it cannot be made into a useful object without being polished. Beautiful jade is hidden in the stone, and lotus grows out of the mud; You must know that when you are troubled, enlightenment is Bodhi. One knife and one heart, one hand; One flower, one world; one stone, one bodhi. fruit fcpf99 feicuibbs1 fcgc60 |
<<: The most important item in the jade appreciation and evaluation process - the judgment of "type"
>>: Value, collection...From what angles do experts look at jadeite?
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