There have been many records praising jade since ancient times. A gentleman is like jade, warm and lustrous. Confucius said that a gentleman compares his virtues to jade. Shuowen Jiezi said: "The beauty of jade has five virtues. It is moist and warm, which is the way of benevolence; it can know the inside from the outside, which is the way of righteousness; its sound is smooth and can be heard from far away, which is the way of wisdom; it is unyielding but can be broken, which is the way of righteousness; it is sharp and honest but not used, which is the way of complexity." That is to say, jade is a symbol of the five virtues of "benevolence", "righteousness", "wisdom", "courage" and "cleanliness". Jade has been very popular among people from ancient times to the present, and various jade shapes have emerged one after another. Do you know what other meanings are behind these shapes? 1. Jade Buddha The jade laughing Buddha symbolizes constant smiling, and the jade Maitreya Buddha is also a symbol of good luck and fortune. Maitreya Bodhisattva is not fussy about trivial matters, he takes everything with a smile and has a big heart to tolerate everything in the world. Therefore, the jade Maitreya Buddha also means that he is open-minded and always smiles. 2. Jade All Roads Open The Lulutong jade pendant has a simple shape, inheriting the appearance of ancient jade tube ornaments and looks like a beer barrel. The ability to roll continuously with human activities symbolizes that the road of life leads to all directions and the family's lifeline is passed down and continues forever. It is called "a source of wealth rolling in". It should be noted that Lulutong Jade is generally not paired with a rope that is too thick, because there is a folk saying that a rope that is too thick will block it and is considered unlucky. 3. Jade peace buckle Wealth comes from all directions and peace comes every year. Huaigu is also called "peace buckle", and its shape resembles an ancient copper coin, which symbolizes wealth coming from all directions and treasures from all directions. From another perspective, the big circle wraps the small circle, which also symbolizes perfection and happiness, and can make the wearer safe, healthy and long-lived. Peace clasps are often given to each other as gifts to wish for peace. The peace locket is simple and generous, without complicated carvings and decorations, but it can highlight the most pure and classical temperament of jade and outline people's expectations for good days. The picture with the jade is from the Weibo of Dancer on Crystal Stone fruit fcpf99 feicuibbs1 fcgc60 |
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