In ancient times, there was a soldier who was brave and good at fighting, and had a simple character. Once, he was walking on the street and saw a beggar. The beggar had gray hair, a haggard face, and was wearing some tattered clothes. He was sitting on the street to rest. The soldier felt pity for the old man. He knew that because the war was about to break out, the people had to leave their homes to avoid the war, causing the old man to have to avoid the war when he should have been enjoying his old age. So, he stepped forward, gave him some silver, and said: "Although this silver is not enough for you to spend the rest of your life, it should be enough for you to find your lost relatives." The old man stretched out his trembling hands to take it, thanked him and gave the soldier a jade pendant. The soldier looked at the jade pendant and estimated that it was of average quality, but estimated that it had been with the old man for a long time, so he kept refusing. The old man said: "Kind man, I can't repay you for your kindness. I can only give you a jade pendant as a thank you. I hope it will bring you good luck." The soldier had to accept it. Not long after, the soldier's country was invaded by an enemy country. In order to defend the country, his monarch summoned the army to resist the invasion of the enemy. The soldier was sent to the front line as a vanguard. Not long after, he encountered an unprecedented fierce battle. He knew that if he retreated, he could save the lives of the soldiers, but he would lose the war and leave more people displaced. He made a decision and charged into the enemy camp with his generals. If they won, they would have defended their country, and if they lost, they would die without regrets. This soldier and other brave generals were attacked by a rain of arrows from the enemy on their way to the attack. Although the generals around him kept dodging, they were still hit by the rain of arrows and fell off their horses one after another. Only he seemed to have not been attacked and continued to kill crazily. After the great victory, he turned to look at the soldiers behind him and saw that they were all injured. He looked at his own body and found only a few arrow holes. He quickly took off his armor and saw that the jade pendant on his chest had cracks and he felt that he was injured; but his body was intact. It turned out that several fatal arrows shot by the enemy were blocked by the jade pendant. The jade pendant saved his life and helped him win the war. From then on, he cherished the jade pendant even more and was unwilling to take it off. He even wore it in his battles and won every battle. Finally, he was promoted to the rank of general. Several years later, he discovered that the cracks on the jade pendant had all healed and returned to their original state. Although it was just the body's secretions that were absorbed by the jade pendant, making the cracks difficult to see, he believed that it was a divine object, so he wore it all his life until his death and had it buried on his chest. fcgc66 fcpf18 |
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