Confucius said: The virtue of a gentleman is likened to jade, in that it is warm, moist, and benevolent. The idea of a gentleman comparing himself to others is an important part of Confucius' philosophy. In fact, the virtue of jade was recorded as early as in the "Shuowen Jiezi" of the Eastern Han Dynasty. A gentleman has four virtues, and jade has eight elegances. Jade inherits China's millennium culture, and the eight elegances also carry the essence accumulated by China's millennium culture. So what are the specific “Eight Graces” of jade? Germany A gentleman compares his virtue to jade. A gentleman wears jade to remind himself to be strict with himself and lenient with others, and more importantly, to have correct conduct and a kind heart. spirit Jade is a product of the essence of heaven and earth. People often say that jade has spirituality and wearing it for a long time can bring good luck, fortune, and ward off evil and avoid disasters. beautiful Jade is warm, moist and lustrous, with an inner radiance that is so subtle and beautiful that it is not an exaggeration to describe it as otherworldly. The Chinese have been using and wearing jade for 7,000 years. Jade is neither dazzling nor ostentatious, which fits in well with the introverted and reserved style of the Chinese people. Until today, no one thinks that jade is a backward ornament. arts The wealth that jade brings us is not limited to material wealth, but more importantly, it brings spiritual value to those who play with jade. Human history and culture have laid a solid foundation of material and spiritual wealth for jade. Jade, with its unique color charm, carries history, meets people's spiritual demands, and is rich in cultural heritage. quiet Jade is smooth on the outside and reserved and quiet on the inside, like a virgin. Having it with you can help you think calmly and deal with things with peace of mind; no matter you are reading things, your body, or your mind, you will have a sense of detachment and letting nature take its course, making your mind calm and peaceful like a pond, and making our minds more open-minded. Reality Wearing jade will make you feel at ease because of its toughness and heaviness. It seems to remind us all the time to be strong in heart and dare to persevere, and it will become a benign and warm spiritual sustenance. Its existence reminds you to be as solid and lasting as jade at all times. keep Man takes care of jade for three years, and jade takes care of man for a lifetime. When wearing jade, it will press on our acupoints and slowly absorb the trace elements on the jade. Moreover, jade can help people pass their leisure time. When they are resting, they can stroke the jade in their hands and let their thoughts run wild. This can not only relax their body and mind, but also relieve fatigue. stable In today's troubled society, wearing jade can remind you to keep a calm mind, stay calm when encountering things, be patient and refrain from haste, be good at adjusting yourself, not be arrogant or boastful, not worry or be confused, be flexible in dealing with things, and reject the interference of negative emotions on your mind. Jade is a gift from nature, which takes hundreds of millions of years to form. It is unique and cannot be replicated, and its charm is unmatched. The jade culture is like an evergreen tree rooted in the long river of history, which will be passed down from generation to generation. fcgc66 fcpf18
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