As Emperor Taizong of Tang said, "Although jade has beautiful qualities, it lies among the stones. Without being carved by skilled craftsmen, it is no different from rubble." The art of jade carving is based on the beauty of jade. Jade must highlight the essence of jade, which is the decisive condition for the creation of jade art. Moreover, the more prominently the essence of jade is brought out in a jade carving, the more valuable it is. However, how should we appreciate jade as a work of art? The essence of artistic beauty lies in its aesthetic characteristics. Artistic beauty has a spiritual impact on people by satisfying their aesthetic needs. The charm of art is realized through the appreciation of high-quality works, which is the resonance of the appreciation mentality with the rhythm of life; and the subject's appreciation mentality is formed through the influence of cultural forms and the conscious introspection of the subject's mind. A further foundation for the creation of the appreciation mentality is the empathy with the realm of the work. The humanistic art of jade not only includes the beauty of carving craftsmanship, but also a profound historical accumulation. In the art of clothing wearing in my country, the popularity of jade jewelry was once very high. Jade jewelry is made of fine materials, has a wide variety of shapes, diverse carving techniques, and exquisite themes. The rich green, round and crystal texture, coupled with the exquisite carvings, give jade jewelry personalized cultural symbolic meaning, forming the unique jade culture of the Chinese nation. The trend of wearing, appreciating and playing with jade is prevalent. People believe that jade has the function of praying for blessings, bringing good luck, warding off evil and eliminating disasters. Because it expresses the common wishes of the people, jade jewelry is widely accepted and worn. Jade jewelry often uses images of people, animals, flowers, birds, utensils, and some traditional Chinese shapes such as auspicious characters, with folk proverbs, auspicious words and myths as themes, and through metaphors, similes, puns, symbols and homophones, it forms an expression form of "one auspicious word and one pattern", reflecting people's pursuit and yearning for a better life. fcgc66 fcpf18 |
The ancients believed that jade was a stone from ...
Here I will continue to introduce to you the mark...
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